AfPIF 2017 Agenda & Presentations

August 22, 2017 - DAY 1      “Peering Coordinators Day”
08:00 – 09:00Registration
09:00 – 09:30

“Session 1a: Welcome and General data and Interconnection Landscape”

Welcome and Introduction – Nishal Goburdhan/Kyle Spencer (AfPIF PC Chairs) (PDF)
International Bandwidth and Pricing Trends in Sub-Sahara Africa – Patrick Christian (Telegeography) (PPT)
Moderator: Michuki Mwangi
09:30 – 10:30

“Session 1b: Transport ecosystem panel discussion”

Moderator: Thomas Volmer
10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30

“Session 2: Disruptive technologies”

Moderator: Kyle Spencer
12:30 – 14:00Networking & Lunch
14:00 – 15:30

“Session 3: Peering and Transit Tutorials”

Moderator: Mathieu Paonessa
15:30 – 16:00Coffee break
16:00 – 17:15

“Session 4: Measurements and Research Panel”

Moderator: Frank Habicht
17:15 – 17:30Peering Personals #1 (PPT)Michuki Mwangi
19:00 onwards

Opening Peering Social – Sponsored by TERACO
Venue: Le Toa - Esprit Lounge

August 23, 2017 - DAY 2 “AfPIF Plenary Day #1”
08:00 – 08:30Registration
08:30 – 09:15“Pre-Session 1a: New Comers Session” (Plenary Room)

Introduction and getting the most out of AfPIF – Nishal Goburdhan (PCH)
“Pre-Session 1b: Peering Bilateral”

Peering Bilateral Room: Menthe
09:30 – 10:30Session 1c: Formal Opening Session


M. M’BAYIA Claude Calixte (ARTCI)
Dawit Bekele (ISOC)
Moctar Yedaly (AUC)
Moderator: M. Aman Vladimir
10:30 – 11:00Group Photo & Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00Keynote Presentation : “80/20 by 2020” - Funke Opeke (MainOne) (PPT)Moderator: Nnenna Nwakanma
12:00 – 12:30Peering Personals #2 (ppt)Michuki Mwangi
12:30 – 14:00 Networking & Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 “Session 3: Content distribution challenges in Africa”


Nina Bargisen (Netflix) (pdf)
Martin J. Levy (Cloudflare) (pdf)
Andrew Baskett (Facebook) (ppt)
Ghislain Nkeramugaba (RICTA)
Moderator: Mathew Chigwende
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30Peering Bilateral Meetings Session #1 Bilateral Room: Menthe
19:30 - 21:30Gala Dinner- Sponsored by ARTCI

Venue: Heden Golf Hôtel
August 24, 2017 - DAY 3 “AfPIF Plenary Day #2”
08:00 – 09:00Registration
09:00 – 10:30Session 1: Peering and Interconnection Reports:

2016 Survey of Internet Carrier Interconnection Agreements – Gael Hernandez (PCH) (pdf)
AFIX: Introduction and Regional Update – Kyle Spencer (AFIX) (pdf)
African traffic @FranceIX - Simon Muya (France-IX) (pdf)
Moderator: Andrew Owens
10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30Peering Bilateral Meetings Session #2

Bilateral Meeting Room: Menthe
PMACCT BoF (Plenary Room) (pdf)
12:30 – 14:00 Networking & Lunch
14:00 – 15:30Session 3: IXP growth challenges in West and Central Africa


Nico Tshintu Bakajika (KINIX) (pdf)
Koffi Armand (CIVIX) (ppt)
Yazid Akanho (Igbanet) (ppt)
Emmanuel Kwarteng (GIXP) (pdf)
Moderator: Ghislain Nkeramugaba
15:30 – 16:00Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30Lightning Talks

PeeringDB Updates – Arnold Nipper (PeeringDB) (pdf)
TV Exchange – Cristian Copcea (Interlan) (pdf)
IXP Masterclass – Onno Bos (AMS-IX) (pdf)
Moderator: Hisham Ibrahim
Closing RemarksDawit Bekele