Administrator: Serekunda Internet Exchange Point (SIXP)
Abdoulie is currently working as the Administrator of the Serekunda Internet Exchange Point (SIXP), which is the first and only IXP in Gambia.
From 1999 to 2005, Abdoulie has been working in the telecom and ISP sector and has gathered vast experiences in ISP design, network management, router configuration, WIMAX setup etc.
From 2006 to 2013, Abdoulie has been engaged as a Network Consultant of the IFMIS (Integrated Financial Management System), a World Bank project that builds a government wide system and network to automate Government financial transactions.
Since 2013 to date Abdoulie has been operating a private ICT company that offers various ICT services including computer hardware sales and an ICT training Institute. The institute is both a Microsoft IT Academy and Cisco Network Academy. He lectures both the MCSE and the CCNA courses.
Abdoulie has been one of the assistant facilitators during the AXIS (Africa Internet Exchange System) Best Practice workshop for IXPs in The Gambia, which he believes was a very instrumental workshop in the establishment and technical setup of SIXP.